
A little humor, maybe some wisdom, hopefully provocative

“It takes one to know one.” Huh?

I recently heard that old line on the radio and it sort of took my breath away. How many times had I taunted my brother or sister or a neighborhood kid, after they called me something really bad?

I didn’t think twice, not realizing I was in fact agreeing with them—they were just like me…huh?

When it comes to what I do for a living (sell stuff), I realized that the best part of any sales call was achieving precisely that—acknowledging we were on the same page when it came to {insert the need here}. Finding a mutual trust that—together—we could get it done as requested, if not better.

It certainly helps if you’ve got a bag full experience to draw on and can identify the synergy early in the discussions. Both of us—sales person and buyer—probably have our goals set before the meeting. And no one wants to waste anyone’s time. I always preferred listening to talking. Always hungry for knowledge and full of questions.

Now I realize what I really wanted to know all along: If it takes one to know one, can we get there together and achieve something great?

When it comes to creating something new, fixing something old, or weaving new processes in with the old without disruption…a new relationship has promise when that mutual “knowing” is reciprocal. And that’s a beautiful thing.

Distribution channel automation and support in hyper-secure environments. That’s what we do. How about you?

“Moira, the only thing that sells baseball tickets is a winning team.”

—Atlanta Braves Ticket Manager, 1985

I can still hear his raspy voice, after listening to my pitch on increasing sales for our (losing) hometown team. It was an Ah Hah moment for this baby salesperson. I took the gentle slap down with grace and I parked his comment in my brain forever. 

But now? 

I know with surety that anything can sell if you find the right people with the right need and they believe you can fulfill that need—profitably and continuously for all involved. 

Yes, you just have to deliver on that promise, adapting services and products constantly to meet the market. No sitting down on the job. But besides the obvious stuff (quality, price, service)—you have to believe. In fact, your entire team has to believe, including your marketing and tech partners, too. 

PS I landed a crazy job for the Braves and comped w/tickets. 7th heaven for my family and friends. Braves fan forever.

Additional Musings: Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3

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