About me personally:
I'm originally from Upper Darby, PA, but spent much of my formative years in South Florida. After earning a degree in Advertising Design, I've spent over 40 years as a graphic designer. I currently reside with my wife and two dogs in Charleston, South Carolina. Ask me about my dogs.
I'm an avid reader, particularly science fiction and horror, a car enthusiast, and I formerly trained in and taught Chinese Kempo. My other passions have included cycling and surfing (goofy foot).
My favorite color: black, because it contains all colors, or depending on whether we're talking additive or subtractive, the absence of all color. I suppose I could also say white for the same reason, but I prefer my cars 100% K.
Stranded on an island, having to choose one meal, movie star, book and beverage (other than water): filet mignon (blue rare), Ann-Margret, Stephen King's The Stand and Woodford Reserve.
Projects have ranged from multifaceted websites to print-based promotions to CBT CD-ROM programs supported by web and print.
Tympani Marketing
Director of New Media
1998 - Present
I accepted the position of Director of New Media for this innovative creative firm, specializing in data-driven marketing. I continue to serve in that capacity currently, and have done so in their Atlanta office and remotely from my home in Charleston, SC. I have worked on projects ranging from interactive CD-ROM CBT to web design/UX, and varying print and multi-media projects.
National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI)
Senior Art Director
1996 - 1998
I accepted the position of Senior Art Director for NCCI where, working with two direct reports, we produced a wide variety of material for the Workers Compensation industry. Material ranged from printed brochures to multi-media presentations and orchestrating all aspects of A/V for NCCI's annual symposium, with an audience of around 800 insurance professionals.
While my primary role was managing and educating, when time permitted, I offered up design ideas and illustrations to support my team.
First Marketing Corporation
Vice President Graphic Services
1990 - 1995
I joined FMC as Director of Electronic Design. Eventually, I was promoted to Vice President managing a staff of 35. During my tenure, my responsibilities included coaching my entire creative staff to be proficient in the use of desktop publishing, teaching Adobe programs such as Illustrator and Photoshop, and at the time, Quark Xpress. Additional managerial duties included proving ROI of capital expenditures on new technologies and equipment.
International Voyager Publications
Senior Art Director
1983 - 1990
I joined IVP as a paste-up artist and eventually worked my way up to Art Director of the in-flight division. Thereafter I was promoted to Advertising Art Director for all of IVP's publications, and lastly served as Senior Art Director over all creative aspects of the company.
1981: Graduate of the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale
One might think that going to class on the famed Fort Lauderdale Strip, directly across from the beach, would be a major distraction. Truth be told, it really wasn't. While being on A1A did lend a laid-back vibe to our classes, our dedication to our studies was rather remarkable. My years at AIFL will remain some of my favorites and I consider myself fortunate to have been a student before the school was later relocated to the 17th Street Causeway.
There is no denying, however, once the assignments were completed and turned in, we did have some pretty epic parties.